Orange Amps educational arm supports artists at risk Belfast City of Music
Orange Learn the educational arm of Orange Amplification, the music giant known for their unique tone and superior engineering of stage amps is set to support the Northern Ireland project Musicians Artists at Risk Resettlement Scheme (MARRS).
Orange who boast some of the world’s greatest rock icons as customers, including Jimmy Page, Stevie Wonder, James Brown, Fleetwood Mac, Oasis, Madonna, Jim Root and Geddy Lee will be offering in-kind support for people seeking asylum or with refugee status. Orange Learn will sponsor in-kind vocal and guitar online lessons, which will be assisted by professional teachers with regular gatherings in Belfast. This includes the current guitar clubs at Oh Yeah Music Centre.
With over 150 guitars donated by members of the public the Belfast guitar club was established in 2021 by guitarist and teacher Shiva, guitar tech Leif Bodnarchuk and Darren Ferguson (Beyond Skin). In 2022 the Oh Yeah Music Centre became its more permanent home by offering a welcoming and educational space free of charge with Paul Kane from Over The Hill Collective co-managing the club.
It quickly became a lifeline for people of all ages – a space to enjoy the healing power of music, spirit of togetherness and develop skills. The guitar club will continue provision but in addition provide a space to assist those doing Orange Learn exams courses
Professional singer and performer Kelly Smiley has already been assisting some young people with vocal tuition as part of MARRS. Kelly will continue as the vocal coach for Orange Learn courses.
Cliffy Cooper, a Director at Orange amps and CEO of Online Music Exams visited Belfast earlier this year meeting with many of those supporting MARRS also attending Aghochak (Afghan Association) spring Nowruz celebration.
‘Music education has always been close to my heart,’ said Cliff Cooper, Orange Amps CEO, ‘Orange Learn’s Vocal Performance syllabus and exams is about encouraging the uniqueness of each individual to shine, allowing a space for them to develop.”
Orange Amplification has been a pioneering force in guitar and bass amplification since 1968. They have an exceptional reputation for delivering innovative technology, always built with uncompromising attention to detail and quality. Known as the leading British guitar amplifier manufacturer for both design and build, they bring stages and studios to life all over the world. Orange are rightfully proud of theirheritage, a story that began in the late 1960’s.