Roberta Bacic "Dancing Together"

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Darren Ferguson interviews Roberta Bacic for our Homely Planet radio podcast (listen below)

Roberta Bacic is a Chilean researcher in human rights and curator of Arpilleras and Quilts exhibitions, currently living in Northern Ireland. Arpilleras are three-dimensional Latin American appliqué tapestries originated in Chile. These textiles reflect the stories of women, who worked together to denounce the human rights abuses and repression of the Pinochet dictatorship in Chile, 1973-1990.
Roberta has made of the art of making arpilleras, a way of inspiration for women with similar stories of political conflict, anti-war protests, repression, resistance, survival, denial, death, disappearances, displacement, national histories, environmental concerns, indigenous land struggles and transition to democracy. Her work has reached womens’ groups in Peru and more recently to Spain, Brazil, Argentina, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Canada, New Zealand and Ecuador.
Her arpilleras, quilts and wall hangings, have been featured in important exhibitions hosted in museums, universities, art galleries, embassies and community spaces worldwide.

Roberta's current exhibitions at the Roe Valley Arts Centre are online. Please take time to visit. Weblink

In February 2020 Roberta facilitated a workshop at An Carn Maghera as part of the prepartion for Cuerpos Gramaticales - The Sowing of Life project Northern Ireland. The workshop was supported by Truth Commission of Colombia UK and Mid-Ulster Council. Photographes below from the workshop.

Roberta Bacic Conflict Textiles website